Brief Biographical Sketches of the
"Familiar Faces of Ohio"
appearing in this Work.

AYERS, JAMES M.. physician and surgeon, Hamilton. A native and resident of that city. Educated in common schools. He is a self-made man, having mastered and risen to eminence in the profession of pharmacy ; served during-the late war in both general hospital and with his regiment, the 79th O. V. I. Graduated as physician and surgeon from the Medical College of Ohio. U. S. Consul to Para, Brazil, under the administration of President Harrison. Republican candidate for State Senator in his district in the campaign of 1895, and came within less than 100 votes of being elected, the district Democratic by 3,000. Page 66.

ANDERSON, CHARLES M., lawyer, Greenville ; born in Pennsylvania Jan, 5, 1845 ; emigrated to Montgomery county in 1855, thence to Darke county, until the breaking-out of the war; enlisted in the 71st O. V. I. Studied after returning from the army and admitted to the bar in 1868, which profession he has followed ever since. Judge Advocate General of Ohio under administration of Governor Hoadley. Elected and served in the Forty-ninth Congress. Three years one of the managers of the World's Fair Commission for Ohio. In 1894 unanimously selected by both branches of Congress of the United States as one of the managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers for a term of six years. In 1895 was selected chairman of State Democratic Executive Committee, and filled the arduous duties of that place in the memorable campaign between Governor Bushnell and Governor Campbell. Page 28.

ALLEN, LUTHER, capitalist and manufacturer of Cleveland, is a native of New York State ; received a public school education. Began business career at an early age and soon entered the railroad service, connecting himself with some of the large trunk lines of the country as clerk, telegraph operator, cashier, first auditor, superintendent and general passenger and freight agent. In 1884 elected secretary and treasurer of the Society of Savings of Cleveland, and proved himself an able financier during his connections therewith. Is largely interested and identified with the ship building concerns on the great lakes at Cleveland and Chicago. President of Savings, Building and Loan Co., Cleveland. Page 68.

AVERY, ELROY M., Cleveland, State Senator of Cuyahoga County. He is a literary man of ability and an orator of fame. Was principal of East High and Normal School of Cleveland, member of the City Council the first year under the new federal plan of government. Member of the Seventy-first General Assembly, and introduced the measure now a law changing the annual sessions of the egislature into biennial sessions. He is a clean cut man and a thorough Republican. Page 90.

 ASHLEY, JR., JAMES MITCHELL, Toledo. Born of Scotch and English ancestry. Educated at Toledo public schools and graduated at Cornell University in 1876. Civil engineer in Montana from 1869 to 1871. Engaged in construction of Toledo & Ann Arbor and other railways from 1879 to 1893. Now interested in mining and manufacturing. Republican in politics. Page 32. ALLEN, COTTON H., Mayor of Columbus and manager of the Peter Hayden Saddlery and Hardware Company. Page 73. APTHORP, HENRY, member of Board of Managers of Ohio Penitentiary ; Ashtabula. Educated in common schools, Mayfield Academy, Geauga Seminary, Harlow's Commercial College and Oberlin College. Had charge of telegraph repairs and of block and interlocking signals on Lake Shore Railway. Associate editor of Democratic Standard of Ashtabula, 1876 to 1883. Railroad commissioner of Ohio two years. General agent of Lake Shore Railway, 1887 to 1891. Author of "Two-Cent Railroad Fare in Ohio." Member of Ashtabula Council several years. Democratic candidate for Congress, Nineteenth District, 1888 and 1894. Page 29, AKER, W. W., Attorney-at-Law, New Paris ; Representative of Preble County, and serving his second term Graduated from several educational institutions, including literary, commercial and law graduatory from Cincinnati law school; has taught school and served in 93rd O. V. I., which regiment he helped to recruit. He headed the roll call in the Seventy-first Assembly and was always prompt, voting on nearly every question that came before the House, and was one of the best and most attentive members Preble county ever had.—Page 94. ANDERSON, LEROY K., Aide-de-Camp of Governor Bushnell and of the Tuscarora Advertising Co., Coshocton. He is a prominent business man, a public spirited citizen and thorough-going gentleman of his city. A loyal and enthusiastic Republican. Started out in life as a school teacher but soon abandoned the profession to engage in business in which he has been eminently successful. Presidential elector of his district in 1888 when President Harrison was elected. The Tuscarora Advertising Co., with which he is connected, is one of the largest concerns of its kind in the world. Page 85. AXLINE, H. A., Adjutant General of Ohio, Columbus. Received his education at the common schools and graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University. Served in the war of the Rebellion and was mustered out at the close. Principal of Zanesville High School while studying law, and admitted to the bar by the Ohio Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. He has been longer identified with the O. N. G. than any man in the State, Captain, Ma jor and Lieutenant in the 17th Regiment, O. N. G. Chief clerk in the Adjutant General's office and promoted to assistant under the administration of Governor Foster. Adjutant-General under Governor Foraker's administration, and under which the first encampment of O. N. G. was held. Appointed Adjutant General again by Governor Bushnell. Page 24. ALDRICH, GEORGE F., Representative of Sandusky County, Tinney, Native of Sandusky county and reared on the farm. Educated in the district schools, Fostoria Normal school and public schools of Mansfield. Began teaching school at the age of 18, and considered one of Sandusky county's successful teachers for fifteen years. Nine years justice of the peace of his township. Four years member of Board of County School Examiners. Elected to the Seventieth General Assembly and Seventy-second as a Democrat. Page 98. BUSHNELL, ASA S., Governor of Ohio. Born in New York in 1834. Came to Springfield, Ohio, in 1854, where he was a dry goods clerk, and afterwards a book-

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